Meow... Melee and Mayhem

Friday, November 02, 2007

My Poor Neglected Blog

I've neglected this blog pretty bad lately. Not that anyone probably reads it anyway. It all started as a fun project during the summer of 2005 when I decided to take a 3 month hiatus from the working world. I wanted to write short, humorous commentaries from the viewpoint of my cats and how they see the world. Then financial obligations reeled me back into the corporate world.

The corporate world has a way of squashing that creative spark... as you can tell by the sudden neglect of my blog. Honestly... I miss it. I miss feeling inspired to open up my mind to imagine utter silliness and create a fictional story... bringing it to life.

I don't have that "spark" today. I guess a couple of days off from work just isn't enough to clear my head for true creativity. I need to tap into the psychic vibes of my sweet kitties and get in the zone. Alas, I can make no promises... but I'm here... and that's a start.

I do have new pictures of Twiggy. She is so beautiful... and silly... and adventurous... and knows NO FEAR!!! Man... I love her for that!!

So... here's my beautiful girl:

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Psycho Cats

Crazy cats. Pass the catnip!

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Blog about a DOG!

Holy CRAP! She brought home a dog! This is mutiny! WHY, WHY, WHY would she want a DOG?

She calls it "Joey". Sometimes she baby talks to it and calls it "Boo Boo Doggy" or some stupid ass name like that. Personally, it makes me want to heave up a big hairball.

Just wait... eventually he WILL poo all over the carpet. She won't like it.

OK... "Joey" just went over and munched out of the cat box. That's SICK!


I think it's time to kick some "Boo Boo Doggy" Ass!

Purr, Hisssssssssss, Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!..........

Sunday, January 01, 2006

The 911 Cat

Wow... Did you hear about the cat that called 911 and saved his Daddy's life in Ohio on new years eve? I guess what puzzles us is why everyone thinks that cat is such a hero. Mommy tells us we are the most special cats in the world. As a matter of fact, she says she doesn't know what she would do without us. So the way we see it, we save her life every day.

Granted, not sure we could call 911 (whatever that is) but Mom has never taught us how. Twiggy told us she could do it with her tail...but we took a good look (see pic above) and we couldn't see anything special....except the fact that she is full of crap. Literally!

Happy New Year!!!